Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Blog Entry #5: Digital Actors

1.Is this acting or is this animation?

In the movie Avatar, actors are used to create motions and movements of their character. This is then transferred on to a computer where it maniupliates the colour of the skin, body and texture. I believe this is still considred acting because in reality, the original actors are still playing the part. Their actions and movements are recorded and editied. If the movie didn’t hold any charcters, the animations wouldn’t look so “alive” and realistic. I don’t believe that altering the colour and body has an effect on the actions and movements created by the actor.

2. Do you think that animated character should be eligible for acting awards?

No I don’t think animated characters should be eligible for acting awards because an animated character doesn’t show how well it has acted without the original actor. Compared to other films, animated characters do not show how well the actor has acted. It is just a computer generated image to produce a virtual look. However, the original actors should be eligible and should gain the same amount of respect for the award because they act out the character fully.

3. Do you think that human actors will ever become obsolete? Why or why not?

No I don’t think human actors will ever become obsolete because computer generated animations cannot show the same expressions, emotions or passion like a human being. There will always be some type of difference. Also, most people prefer to watch action movies acted by humans and not animations. Even though Avatar was a successful film, I think there will be less in the future because of the demand. Now days, animations and computer generated graphics are used for educational movies or scientific movies. But if in the future there are action movies acted using computer based graphics I am sure that there was an original actor behind the play conducting the movements.


1 comment:

  1. Hello Karan. I agree with everything that you put because it is true that its mostly acting. On my blog, I explain what you have said here. We both put that the only thing that is animation is the colours of the Avatars. I also like the reasons you put for "Will human actors will ever become obsolete?" because I never thought of it that way.
